What is Whimsey Box?
Whimsey is the destination for D.I.Yers and crafters. For 15$ a monthly subscription that brings a fresh new project to your door every month.
Ships to US and Canada ( 5$ S&H)
Referal Program: Earn a free box every time someone signs up using your link (this is mine) and they will receive 5$ off of their first box.
This month we are learning polymer clay
As usual I love the packaging and I use almost everything except the box I may ask my sister if she can use them to put her small quilting projects in them. I keep the ribbon and the paper for myself and give the cardboard bits to my mom who wants to use them in a painting project someday.
This month artist was Mallory Kozlowski the name of the picture is "Pink Flamingo Love"
You can find her art on her Etsy site.
I really like this aspect of whimsey. I think it is great the they show off other peoples art work, I know that ipsy ( although I no longer subscribe to it) had started something similar with their bags.
This is the badge this month we receive one for every project sort of like being part of the girl guides or scouts.
I also like the product card. I like that they include a picture of all the materials you should have in the box and behind it the names of the items ( I do wish that they would write the suppliers of the products I know you can buy kits and supplies from whimsey but I would also like to buy directly from the suppliers sometimes).
All items in the box ( except the badge)
Another thing that I like about Whimsey is that they allow you to choose the colour schemes on your projects. I picked the purple and white colour scheme I hope that they continue to give their customers a choice in their crafts.
Each of these are 20oz Sculpey Polymer Clay ( Purple and White)
4" Razor blade. I think it's nice that beside the description they let you know it is sharp as well at the paper it is packaged in.
2mm 24" Silver Snake Chain Necklace, Silver Platted Surgical Steel Earring post and back ( I like that it is surgical steel so more people can wear them without problems.German Glass Glitter ( they also had a warning on this on that they can be sharp)
1Tube of ProBond Advance Glue c/oo Elmer's Glue
I've always loved Whimsey box and the fact that they introduce you to new crafts. I definitely recommend this box if you a crafty person that likes to learn new skills. I don't have anything bad to say about this box except that I wish they would change the quote on the box every now and then to make it a little more original. Besides that I love this box.
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