Monday, 11 August 2014

A week of news

Hello loves,

I used to hate watching the new. My Husband is a radio newscaster and eats, breathe and lives news. I remember when I first moved in with him we watched the news morning, noon and night. I am now starting to enjoy watching the news. I like knowing what is going on around the world  ( although I would really like there to be more happy news) and also I like being able to have adult conversation about the world around me. I don't if it's just because I am getting older or what but I really am starting to enjoy watching the news even if it's just for 15 minutes a day I started watching one news story a day.

Some of the news stories this week are the following.

There are two wars going on which are claiming thousands of lives.
One of them is in Iraq and the US is helping providing assistance in the war again to help prevent the Islamic state militants to gain more ground ( which has been happening).

The second war is in Gaza between the Israel and Hamas have agreed to a 3 day cease fire.

Robin William died today at age 63 after fighting a long battle with drug and alcohol abuse as well as depression. The are claiming that it is an apparent suicide.

The Ebola outbreak is still in full affect but Spain is about to try a treatment on the priest that contracted Ebola while in Africa.

Justice Bourque the man that shoot and injured 2 RCMP officers and killed 3 plead guilty.

There were many more stories but these are the ones that are covered by the news channels on an almost daily basis or is the main story of the news.

Mean while in my life...

It is my birthday today I didn't do much. I had to work which is fine because well birthdays aren't a big thing for me any more except for my children's birthday of course. My husband will be taking me to a restaurant called The dish where everything is handmade ( even the ketchup and the bread) and the food is delicious. All of the restaurants here are "Greasy spoons" or Fast food and it is nice to have one restaurant offer fancier food from locally grown ( or as close as it can get to home) foods.

I have been running 2-3 times a week. I haven't increased my distant in running but I have been able to run for longer periods of time at a slower pace ( most people could probably speed walk besides me but wte). I will be repeating the week 5 of the C25K program in the hopes that I will be able to speed up my pace a bit and then move on to week 6.  I have also been doing yoga ( using my 6 week free trial at that I received from bodymorphia). I really enjoy getting back into the swing of things I will just have to add some muscle work ( weight lifting) and keep working on my diet. I am going to try the tiny teatox samples I received from bodymorphia to see if I like the taste if so I will probably buy the 28day tea tox box. It is supposed to help you curb cravings and help with bloating among other things so if drinking tea a few times a day for a month can help me with my bad food cravings then why not.

I've also finished knitting the directional scarf ( pattern from lion brand made with amazing yarn colourway Olympia). I am about to start an Oscar the grouch balaclava for JM my son for Halloween, this will probably take me forever to do since I am slow knitter :)

I will also be reviewing the Whimsey box for August 2014 as it just arrived today.

Addition to the blog next week I am going to be posting a few pictures of the things that made me happy. This will allow you guys to learn a bit more about me ( not that I am that important but you know)

That's all for today folks,go on, eat and be merry.


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