Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Quiet time

Hello friends,

Today I am having a lot of quiet time. We bought a magnadoodle for our oldest child and he has spent all day playing on it. I have played with him and my youngest of course but it seems my oldest prefers to play alone right now with his new toy. My youngest is quiet fussy but he is taking a lot of naps which is also nice.

I decided to take this the time to maybe work on the blog a bit and write a little little. I have been taking some time on my knitting lately but not so much on anything health. I have been eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and watching portion sizes but I also have been eating a lot of ice cream  which isn't so good. I have been really tired lately do to my medication pregabalin (  also known as lyrica) I am hoping that this side effect eventually goes away. I am also hoping that even if I remain tired that I will have the motivation to go back running. In fact I don't have a choice because I am running my first 5k marathon in October for breast cancer. My other goal is also to get up between 6- 6:30 am to get back into my yoga I found that yoga really helped me cope with the pain and the other symptoms of my medication which is mood changes.

Today I will probably add several post on here because I will be adding some subscription box list. I haven;t worked on that in a while because I cancelled my ipsy bag and the whimseybox that I received this momnth smelled so bad I had to throw it out because the glue and sealant in it made my whole apartment smell and gave me a big headache.

I will leave you with this today as I have to keep working on this blog and make it better. Also my little one woke up from his nap.

The world is new to us every morning - this is God's gift and every man should believe he is reborn each day.
- Baal Shem Tov

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