Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Cabbage steak

Hello everyone,

So I'm sitting here waiting for my little loves to fall asleep and I was thinking about what I could write about since I haven't written in a while. It dawned on me that I never shared one of my favorite snack/meal that I love to make. Cabbage steak.

This is something I normally make when I'm alone because I like it so much I don't want to share and because everyone in this house doesn't want to eat because well it's cabbage.

I know, I know, eww cabbage. That's what I used to think too, until I got some in my produce box. I got so much I didn't know what to do with it. So I looked on Pinterest and found a recipe. Now, I totally forgot to check where I got this from, I wasn't thinking of posting others recipes from Pinterest at the time like I do now. So I'll give you the recipe I have no picture of the cooking part but hopefully I'll add some later.

Oven roasted anything is good in fact I love oven roasted everything: tomatoes, radishes (that one surprised me because I hate raw radishes), beets, carrots you nave I've roasted it or would roast it. I find that roasting veggies in the oven takes out the natural sweetness in vegetables.

The number of people this recipe feeds really depends on how much people eat and how big the cabbage is.


Preheat oven to 400 Fahrenheit.

Start by cutting the cabbage in half.

At the bottom of each halves you will see what is basically the cabbage stem. Now you can remove this now or leave it and cut around it later.

Cut each half in about 1 inch steaks ( 1 small to medium cabbage should give you about 4-6 slices)

Line a baking sheet with foil (saves on the mess)

Rub an oil of your choice ( I like using olive or avocado oil) on each side of the cabbage and season with herbs of your choosing. I normally just use garlic.

Put in oven for about 30 minutes flipping half way through. Cabbage should be starting to brown but not completely.

Pull out of oven and enjoy.

I eat mine with a bit of Dijon mustard yum.

I ended up quartering this one because it was falling apart.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Red pepper soup (vegan) and how to roast peppers

So a while back I had roasted a bunch of red peppers and they'd been sitting in my freezer long enough. I decided to use them and make more to replace the ones I used.
I wanted to make something that was just as good to eat cold or hot and that's how I came up with this recipe. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family did.

1 onion (diced)
1tbsp olive oil
4 carrots
2 cups of oven roasted red peppers (about 6 peppers)
4cups (900ml) of vegetable broth
4 bay leaves
1tbsp dried thyme 
1/2 cup non dairy milk

Heat your onion and oil together in a pot for a few minutes until your onion becomes almost transparent.

Add all remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil then simmer until carrots are soft.

Take out the bay leaves.

Put in blender with non dairy milk and pulse or blend till no more chunks remain. 

You can then add a touch of style with basil leaves or oil on top.

Pour in a bowl (or a glass like my youngest) and enjoy.

How to roast peppers (of any kind I normally do 6 at a time)

Preheat oven to 450f

Line a sheet with aluminum foil ( I used a cookie sheet).

Wash peppers and rub oil all over them ( I used olive oil).

Put on sheet and then in oven.

Turn every 10-15 minutes until all sides are partly black.

Once they are done take them out of the oven place them in a bowl and cover them with Saran wrap for about 20 minutes.

Take the peel off and remove the stem and seeds.

Voilà, you are now done roasting your pepppers. You can freeze them or put them in the fridge with a bit of oil for a few days.

Life lately

Hello everyone,

I know I've been gone and I'm sorry the hustle and bustle of life has left me a little tired lately but here's what's been going on.

In March I adopted a beautiful pug/terrier mix. I didn't have any information on her besides she was two, a female and if no one took her in she would be euthanized so I took her in. I took her in the week that my boys were at their dad's . She was nervous of around people and in one week we got her accustomed to people by bringing her everywhere with us. She met the boys and we were really surprised, she loved them she's a kid magnet and loves it. We've got her vaccinated, and bought her everything she needed including sunglasses/goggles and a life jacket. She's been four-wheeling, and canoeing and my partner brings her fishing all the time. She is my little shadow and the boys love her. We've found out that she hasn't been spayed but that will be happening in July.

It's been busy for the rest of us too. We've been having fun with the dog plus I've been busy with the rest of the boys. I've went canoeing several times with my partner and four-wheeling. My oldest had his first birthday party which turned more into a play a date since only one of his friends came over but we had fun. I'm also planning a small family get together for my youngest son's birthday. 

I've also been trying several new recipes if you follow me on Instagram you will see a few of them which I'm going to post on my blog soon as well.

That's all for now folks.


Sunday, 1 May 2016

Buffalo Cauliflower "wings"

I love wings, I mean really who doesn't. This was one of my partner's and I favorite meal, so when I decided to go plant based I had to figure out how to substitute this delicious meal for a meat free version. 

I took to Pinterest and found the recipe that I used. Original recipe here from hot for food. They also have recipes for different flavors. 

I doubled the recipe and added Cayenne pepper to the batter mix to add a bit of zing I found that it also made flavoring the "wings" unnecessary.

This recipe can serve 4-8 people.


2 heads of cauliflower

2 cups flour
4 tsp onion powder
4 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp Cayenne 
1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (I use silk almond or cashew)
2 cups of water.

1 1/2 cups BBQ sauce
1 cup hot sauce

Preheat oven to 450f.

Cut cauliflower into pieces (about the size of actual wings).

In a bowl stir all the dry ingredients together. Then slowly mix in the milk and water. ( until batter is still thick enough to stick to the cauliflower)

Dip cauliflower in batter. Put on parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Put in oven for 25 minutes or until they start to brown. Flip half way through.

While waiting mix. BBQ sauce and hot sauce together.

Once out of the oven coat with sauce and our in the oven for another 25 minutes.

Take out of oven, let cool for 5 minutes and dig in.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Huggies Pull-ups ( fade away designs)

Underwear like design 1/1 stars

 I like that these are a mix of underwear and diaper together. It allows my son to take them off and put them back on like underwear but if we are rushed, because he realized too late he needed to go to the bathroom the side just Velcro's off.

Designs 1/1

I liked that the designs were from popular characters that my son love and that I think are still pretty popular for boys.

Fade away pattern 1/1

Ok this is the iffy part with me. Yes, the designs have specific areas where the pictures fade but unless my son actuals sees them fading. If your child can learn by understanding that you want these pictures to stay on all the time then great it should work for you.

Protection 2/2 stars

I like the way these Pull-ups have protection for both boys and girls. I have a boy and the protection on these things are awesome. I haven't had one mess with these. No poop or pee has went through these.

Last opinion I think the cool and learn would be better for my son but despite that I think these are a great helping tool to start off potty training.

I received this product for free from Influenster, for testing purposes.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Adult Review- Cumfy hogtie

Price- Ranges from 40$ to 76$ I'm sure you might find it for cheaper or higher prices if you look harder but this is an ideal of the prices that I've found. We bought ours at between us lovers boutique in Sudbury.

I was really debating about posting a review about sexual items on my blog but I told myself why not. I've done the review on Bj blast so I figured why not keep doing it on a few other items that I've tried out with my partner.

Today I'm going to talk about the Cumfy hogtie restraint. When my partner and I saw this product in the store we just looked at each other and smiled like two school kids that just scored candy. We've done the ropes and the fancy knots but sometimes having something simpler to do the restraining is more convenient at times.

What I like about this product.

The cuffs have a nice padding in the inside almost like fleece. I like that because your wrist can be somewhat moveable in them and they don't cut or hurt with a bit of struggling. It is also adjustable with a few wholes to adjust the sizes. I liked that there was the four ring center which allowed a good way of attaching and positioning your partner in different positions. I also like the ease it takes to set up.

What I didn't like.

If you look closely on the picture just below the paragraph you will see the center piece where your cuffs attach. On the center piece there is clips that you well clip onto the cuffs. These broke extremely easily. They either bent or broke right off which will made this purchase a downer. Other reviews online have also stated having the same problems as we have so it's not just me. 

 Two different sized cuffs one for the wrist one for ankles.

I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone. My partner and I still use the cuffs as it's sometimes still easier and comfier then rope directly on the skin. The only reason why I'm but recommending this product is because of the links that broke. If they can solve that issue then this product would be great for both beginners and experienced people.

Friday, 20 November 2015

COVERGIRL Supersizer Mascara review


This is the Cover girl super sizer.
I got to try this product through bzzagent and like most products I've tried I really enjoyed it.

Packaging 1/1 stars

Now, I realize that for some of you the exterior looks might not be important but it is for me. I love the color of the tube and how bright it is. It makes it easier to find in my makeup bag and the colour just makes happy.

Brush handling 1/1 stars

I like the brush and I find it works well. When you receive products from bzzagent they often come with little video's on how to use them. So I watched this one. It might sound funny to some of you but that little twirl up thing she does in this video I had trouble doing, but I got with practice.

Staying power 1/1

This product is great. It stays on all day. Even through heat and sweat but it is easily removed. I don't think it would stand if you are in an area where there is a lot of water such as crying or in the rain though, because it comes off easily without soap.

Does it work? 2/2

What I like about this mascara is the you can make your lashes long and looking natural like in the video or have a bolder effect like the picture below that I took. I found that it wasn't clumpy at all and I don't have to go over it a bunch of times to get the look I want.

Picture of the mascara from: