Hello muffins,
So I haven't completely lost my mind in October. I've had a few rough parenting weeks but I've found myself getting calmer and realizing that I really just need to breathe and realize a few things.
My boys have definitely been challenging this month but that's OK. I did lose my cool a few times and I'm not ashamed of admitting it. Now, by losing my cool I don't mean I went Rambo and destroyed my house but I did yell. In the middle of my yelling I realized that what I was doing was w
rong although it does happen. I then took the time to apologize to my youngest ( he'd been waking up all week at 2 and falling asleep 30 minutes before wake up time, I was exhausted) and gave myself an adult time out. That's right, I treated myself like I would treat my child if he had a tantrum and I found myself so much calmer. I think as parents sometimes we get so frustrated because we just feel like we need time to breathe and sometimes we don't get that. And when we feel that way we just get lost in frustration, forgetting that our children (especially the younger ones) can't quiet communicate the way we want them to. They are learning about feelings and how to respond and let's just say when I caught myself acting on this absurd kind of fit I realized that I didn't want my child to react that way. I want him to communicate the proper way, to talk and explain how he feels instead of pushing his wants on to others. So for the rest of the week when I started to feel frustrated I just took a step back to observe my situation and then talk to my child the way I would want him to talk to me. I want my children to learn that it's OK to be frustrated and be emotional but there is a good and a bad way. Inthe weeks that I had them with me I noticed that the calmer I was the better the children were and not only did they communicate better with me but with themselves too. I also found that I was better at analyzing my feelings and that most of the time my frustrations were due to a communication break down and that asking questions to my children and trying to understand them by asking questions made my life a whole lot calmer and the children's too.
As it comes to my vegan diet it's been hard. I don't eat anything that is non vegan in my house and at work since I pack my lunches except chocolate and candy, I won't lie that's been hard) but at restaurants and at families houses I'm a complete failure. I see meat and I want it which I can generally refrain myself but most places so far don't really offer vegan options so I do I have to work on that.
Halloween costumes turned out pretty good. The boys costumes are a bit big but that's OK. Collecting candy with them, my hunny and my best friend C was great.
This was the outcomes of our costumes.
When it comes to my vegan repertoire of cooking I didn't really make anything to impressive. I have fallen in love with Chana Masala which is an Indian dish typically made with some milk but I was able to take the milk out and substitute it with coconut milk or almond milk. I also made a vegan version of coleslaw which turned out to be delicious. No recipe but if II get the ingredients again I will mark the ingredients and give you the recipe.
I got to go to bulk barn this weekend which was loaded full of nuts and products that I don't normally buy here where I live because I can either not find it or it's to expensive. I know I have to watch the ingredients even in the list as some of them contain milk for some reason. With that said I did find some good ingredients that will hopefully allow me to make some more great dishes to enjoy as a vegan.
I am also hoping to put a few reviews up on the blog. One about a product I've received through bzzagent and one will be an adult review.