I know I'm a bit behind in posting how I did in September I've just had a really hectic month.
My oldest started school. I can't believe how fast time goes it's crazy. I swear I was just changing him diapers and bottle feeding him yesterday. Now, he's just a big ball of happiness, always eager to help and play.
Along with school both boys have started at a new day care that comes with new rules and it's a bit hard to get used to it. The new rules make things a bit harder between my ex and I when it comes to children's medication but I am getting on my way to making everything easier.
I also had a lovely wedding to attend I was a bridesmaid. It was fun and cold and I am very happy I got to attend such an event.
My goals for September were as follows:
Get some pickling and jam done.
Complete the budget from August receipts.
Finish organizing the house ( my room and kids toys
Learn to hem pants
Make one vegetarian "dish" a week.
So how did I do pretty good I have to say.
I didn't make jam but I did make some Cajun picked carrots and beans. I love the taste of the carrots but not so much the beans. Since I don't like the beans so much I've giving almost all my jars away.
I've also learned how to make cooler wine. My hunny and I have made a batch of black cherry wine and one wild berry. We also have another lime flavored one that needs bottling this up coming weekend. This month if finances allows we want to make an actual red wine to use for cooking and special events.
I did a budget with August receipts but August was such a weird month of spending which I normally don't do that my budget just didn't work. I did however just repaid my credit off this month ( October) and hopefully I can keep it that way.
I'm hoping that come January I can make another budget that's accurate that will include: savings for holidays, presents, insurances and just regular savings.
When it came down to organizing my house all that was as half success. The kids toys were sorted, while the rest of my house just got worse. Right now I feel a little crazy and since cleaning and organizing will get done.
Learn to hem pants. Haha, that was an experience. I got a sewing machine and I've never used one. By watching a few videos on YouTube I got the basics but let's just say I still have a lot to learn. I managed to break only one needle which I think is a win. :)
The last thing on my list was to make one vegetarian meal a week. Well I've started a journey to veganism so all of my own meals are meatless ( I do eat meat and animal by products such as cheese and eggs when I go out for supper but I am trying to stop that too.)
This is one of my favorite lunches a quinoa salad inspired by a recipe in the book oh she glows.
Goals for the month of October:
Make Halloween costumes
Continue growing my cooking repertoire for vegan food
Try not to lose my mind ;)
Any ways I'll have to stop this here my battery is at 2%. :s
Have a good month my loves