Saturday, 11 July 2015

Crock pot Yogurt

I always wanted to make most of my food. Now that I have moved into my own place I now have the freedom to do and cook what I want. I've been browsing pinterest and I saw a post about making yogurt. it looked easy enough so I decided to give it a try.

I won't lie though I was afraid of trying to make yogurt leaving milk products in a hot crock pot over night was a little worrisome but I did it anyways. My yogurt came out pretty tangy and a bit runny but I know if I use a cheese cloth I can strain it and make it thicker.

I am going to use this yogurt for smoothies. I don't eat a lot of yogurt in general so I don't spend a lot of money on it but I'm glad to know that when I need some i can now makenit for cheaper.

I did a quick break down of what making this yogurt cost. The prices are in Canadian dollars and the cost is per 100ml. I don't have a huge super store here where I live so I bought the cheapest ingredients I found here. By all means though if you can find cheaper prices please do.  Also the prices I mark beside the ingredients are the cost based on the amount of the products I used and not the cost that I paid for the whole product.

ASTRO yogurt 2% Plain- 1$
Lactantia milk 2%- 5$

This recipe makes about two quarts. I did weigh how much yogurt this made and this time it made 1795 ml of yogurt.
The total cost of ,a king this yogurt for the first time is 33 cents per 100ml.
If you used your now made yogurt for the starter of your next batch it is 27 cents per 100ml. My savings for this recipe was 7 cents per 100ml for the first batch and will be 13 cents cheaper on my second batch.  The yogurt I bought in stores was 40 cents per 100ml.

The recipe I used was this one here by Live Simply.

Would you ever try to make your own yogurt? If you have what tips and tricks do you use?